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After being on a spiritual journey while in parallel building a digital agency spanning three decades, I've had several realizations which have culminated in BAMM. 

I used to meditate, practice Chi Qong and go on retreats to "recharge my batteries" and to "take a break from life." At a certain point I realized that I had it backwards, my spiritual journey was my life and my business is what I did to finance it.

But my personal life and my business life have always been connected. My business is an extension of myself. Issues I am having personally are usually reflected in my business as well and so is true with most entrepreneurs and CEOs I know.


Still farther along the path, I realized that  it is healthier and even more productive to integrate my spiritual path and my business development, not to compartmentalize them.


BAMM is a way that I can bring together myself and other like-minded people to support ourselves on our journeys. Together, we can learn from each other, learn from a variety of shared resources and learn from experts in the field about integrating our mindfulness state of being and practices with our business' state of being, culture and work practices.

BAMM's Why

Charlie Kalech
Founder, Business And Mindfulness Mastermind

 My Why

My passion has always been to help people. This is a trait that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family.

My grandfather was part of an underground railroad that smuggled Jews out of Eastern Europe where they were being killed in pogroms and expelled from their towns. He owned the gemeral store on the main square in a little Czech village on the Austrian border. Families would come to them and sometimes stay for months until word came that it was time to cross the border and head to the Alps, crossing them on foot to freedom. Unfortunately, they did not always make it. One family who had stayed at my mother's house for months had a little girl who my mother would play with. After that family went on their way, my mom got word that they had frozen to death in the Alps. At 96. my mother still cries when she tells that story.

As owner of the general store in a small rural village of farmers, Grandpa often extended credit on a handshake and was known for his kindness and honesty.

These are the values I inherited from my family.


My mother escaped from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia (Watch the video for her extraordinary story). While my mother certainly faced many hardships when she arrived in America as a German-speaking penniless Jewish  ten-year-old immigrant in 1939, she also received help from immigrant organizations like HIAS, from kind teachers and from many others. She dedicated her life to helping others, as she had been helped. She became a clinical social worker for over 50 years, helping children and immigrants. And I learned my values from her.

In my profession, as the owner of a digital agency, a mentor, a teacher and presenter, I happen to help people with their businesses, in marketing themselves, in defining success, achieving their goals, and learning technology. The main inspiration is that I help people.

BAMM affords me the opportunity, not only to help people integrate different parts of themselves so they become more completed,  whole and happy as human beings, but also will hopefully create better businesses, work environments affecting customers, employees, suppliers and ripple its effects throughout the world one person at a time.

My mother tells her story of how she escaped from Nazi Czechoslovakia with the help of the hotel manager, the Dutch embassy and even a Gestopo officer - and how the Dutch people's kindness is forever branded into her memory.

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